FREE PortaWifi from Celcom [REDEEMED] =D


Yesh!! Finally I've redeemed the PortaWifi from Celcom TTDI branch.
Celcom first data brings new meaning to the seamless acess with PortaWifi. Whether you're on the road, in office or on the go, this device help you to connect to the net all the time. Who say Wifi is not applicable in car?
There's no greater time to get it! the portaWifi would be really useful for that drive back "kampung" this Raya when you want to stay connected while on the go. Makes every journey an enjoyable one! 
If you're wondering what a PortaWifi is, listen up! PortaWifi by celcom is a device that let's you enjoy your very own personal Wifi wherever you go! Riding on Celcom First Data plan, you can use the PortaWifi at home, outdoor on your laptop, and even in your car!

Tried the PortaWifi at my house and car. 3-pin adapter for PortaWifi at home. Car adapter and charger for PortaWifi at car. Make sure the blue light are on. Then, you can start enjoy your journey with FREE Wifi. 

Ahhh!!! i am so excited! Finally i can connect to wifi and use my GPS in my phone. No data plan?? Now i got wifi in car! no worries! hahahaha 

Benefit of this PortaWifi:

▶Share Wifi Access with up to 5 devices at once
▶Surf at speed at up to 21Mbps
▶Get up 10GB data
▶With the widest coverage of the fastest network

If you don’t get a flyer at the toll plaza and still interested in getting a PortaWiFi device, this is a good time to grab one! Celcom is having a promotion where you can get a FREE PortaWiFi when you sign up with their Celcom First Data plan and enjoy a total of up to RM120 rebates on your monthly bills.
To find out more on their promotion, click HERE =D
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