[REVIEW] ETUDE HOUSE - Help My Finger Essence Spa


I like everything related to nail. Nail polish, nail files, nail pens, nail stickers and bla bla bla ... I do no have long and sexy finger like what other ladies have, so i always make sure that  my finger looks good! Recently, Etude House having buy 1 free 1 sales, so i bought this "ETUDE HOUSE HELP MY FINGER ESSENCE SPA".

Essence are filled in a cylinder tube. No fancy packaging, no cute design. It's light. You can put it in your bag and bring it to everywhere. Take out and apply on your nail anytime. I use to bring it to my office everyday, apply on the skin around my nail whenever it started to feeling dry and cracked. No English version description attached, i can't understand what written. 

The brush is so soft. It's easy to apply on the skin even in the inner corner of the nail. 

To squeeze the essence out, turn the bottom of the tube to right. Don't squeeze too much of essence, one big drop of essence is enough for two fingers. I found that the bottom part is easy spoil, don't spin it too hard. I bought 2 but 1 of it spoiled. 

The light mint scented essence is so refreshing. Some people might think that it’s uncomfortable to apply oily essence on the finger. I personally think that it is much more effectively than those nail care product which is in cream form. At least the hydrating level is higher J

Apply before you go to bed and leave it on for whole night , while you’re watching TV, reading books …. You don’t want your partner to feel your dry and cracked finger, do you?

If you used this product before or you’re using it now. Leave comment below and share your experience with me. 

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  1. i always used hand creams but never this type of product. maybe one day i should try? :D how much does it cost?

    1. if x mistaken ... it shud be rm25 for each XD

  2. OMG I should go try this! Looks very useful for my poor fingers.

    1. hahahha!!! faster go buy and try it! It works on my finger (Y)

  3. I was looking for articles on nail spa in Dubai and I came across yours inspiring read. Though you topic was not exactly based on spa but it definitely highlighted some the spa products.


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