Malaysia's Online Secondhand Bookstore


Hello everybody! Today I’m gonna introduce you a website where you can buy books with cheaper price and of course selling your books! How many of you are still studying? Having problem buying text book, reference book, magazines and so on…Here, I found a website which can help you save a lot!

BookUp is a platform which helps students by providing cheap source of textbooks. What really attracted me is that, BookUp is selling used textbook. Yes. Which means you can get your text book with a cheaper price. Text book which sell at BookUp is typically cheaper than new retail textbook 50% or more.

When talk about money. Tear just falling down from my eye. Back to the point. When do we pay so much since we can save some of the money? So, BookUp is here to help all of the students especially for those who are surviving on their money. BookUp took off 3 months and have up to date managed to help more than 270 students from 19 different universities and colleges across Malaysia.

There are a lot of book selling on BookUp  From text book to fiction and novel. Even Chinese book can be found here. Since we can buy cheap text book here why we still spend so much for other text book. And now you can pay by Maybank2u and CIMB clicks.

Beside from buying, you can also sell your book on BookUp. Log on to BookUp, fill in the ISBN (the 13 number found at the top of the bar which at the back of the book). Next, ship your books to BookUp  BUT, if your quoted amount is more than RM150, BookUp will arrange a pick up from your doorstep! Now, you can get pay at the end of the month, DEPENDING OF THE NUMBER OF BOOK SOLD :p

Somehow, Not all the books can be sell on BookUp  Here's the list of book which are not accept by BookUp  Check the terms and conditions before you fill in the form! 

Happy reading guys :) 

For more information, log on to
BookUp Website :
BookUp Facebook Page :
BookUp Instagram :

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! I am looking for Malaysian School Text Books (Subject: Bahasa Inggeris) from the 70's and/or 80's.


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